

We understand how stressful a claim event can be and we're here to support you when you need us most

Our claims team is well resourced. It includes two legal experts, as well as specialists across various insurance classes. We will be with you every step of the way – we are dedicated to ensuring that your claim is handled professionally and proficiently by your insurer. 

Please notify either your account manager or our offices at (03) 9536 7333 of any incidents that may lead to an insurance claim as soon as possible, so we can provide the guidance you need.

  • Emergency Claims Assistance — After Hours

    In the event that our office is closed, and your account manager is not contactable, you may need to act quickly to secure your property. 

    If you’ve been the victim of a crime i.e. malicious damage or burglary, please report the matter to police at your earliest convenience.

  • Make Safe Repairs

    We have partnered with the two emergency repair businesses, who offer our clients a dedicated 24-hour emergency response hotline, providing make safe services across Australia. They are specialists in immediate property restoration.

    Johns Lyng Group Logo

    Ambrose Construct Logo

  • Windscreen & Glass Claims

    If you have a broken windscreen or damaged glass at your premises, you can call O’Brien Glass on 1800 645 011 or 131 616.

    When you call make sure you have your:

    • Policy Number
    • Insurer Details
    • Details of how the loss occurred and O’Brien Glass will be able to manage the process for you.
  • Motor Claims

    In the event of a motor claim, once you advise us of the details, we will in turn guide you on the best course of action. This may include lodging a claim with your insurer or simply seeking recovery directly from the ‘at fault’ third party’s’ insurer.

    If you’re in a motor accident, please see checklist of immediate actions.

    • Exchange information with all parties including Name, Address, Phone Number, Car Registration Number & Driver’s Licence Number (take a photo of this if you can).
    • Record the details of the car accident such as the date, time, location and any factors leading to the accident.
    • If possible, take photos of the accident scene and all damage to vehicles.
    • Contact the Police if necessary
    • Organise towing of your vehicle
    • In cases where you may potentially be at fault, do not admit liability or make any offer of settlement as this may prejudice your insurer and may impact your policy’s response. 
    • You may obtain quotes to repair your vehicle, however, do not proceed with repairs until your insurer has provided authorisation. 

    Contact us at (03) 9536 7333 for initial guidance and we can provide you with the documentation necessary to get the claim lodged with your insurer.

Get in touch to discuss your claim

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